Immediate results
Going “live” with the first show was scary, right until we saw the results. In seconds we saw shifts being booked and calls filling up. Truly awesome!
Matt Lees

Crew Call Management
For Live Event Suppliers
... Or you can keep pretending people from other industries are going to understand and solve your unique and highly specialized production challenges.
We’re an advanced set of call-out management tools, supported by specialized constraint management programming and rock-solid automation. That's a lot of jargon. Let's try that again.
If you’re using workforce management software, and grinding against the limits of handling crew communication, or if you’re sick of watching a staff member do call-outs by hand, and it’s time to buy them a forklift, we might be your new best friends.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you like to program your own VCR, try it out yourself.
Going “live” with the first show was scary, right until we saw the results. In seconds we saw shifts being booked and calls filling up. Truly awesome!
They have done an amazing job of identifying the ongoing the needs of the production industry by creating CrewDriver.
This is actually becoming a really indispensable tool for me. I’m really happy you invented it!
CrewDriver is built to solve specific challenges of call-outs for live event on-call communication, tailored specifically to the needs of live event suppliers and their crew.
Unlike generic workforce management systems, (those folks who shoehorn features in without actually worrying about value to you - who tell you they can do everything all the time), we focus on making a more powerful and effective solution for solving the call-out problems for suppliers in the live event industry.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you'll fix a burned out fuse with a foil gum wrapper, try it out yourself.
We prioritize engagement with your crew. Our features help build strong relationships and ensure that workers are informed, engaged, and motivated to read and accept work offers from your company.
We know that crew will have a pile of nearly identical options for work on a weekly basis. It’s important that your relationship with them shines above your competitors, to ensure your crew pick you first and you’re able to properly service your clients.
These means features like never spamming, immediate responses to workers, and text message-based communication
Plus with us, you’ll have time to put the extra effort in with your crew relationships.
There's a good chance you're anxious to solve crewing problems and have limited time for research. There’s bad actors in the market who set up sales call after sales call to deliberately soak your time, to make it harder for you to shop around. We hear stories about companies who get ground down and once they're exhausted sign annual contracts for products they're not going to get value from.
So here’s my commitment to you:
There’s no tricks or loopholes to make you stay and we're not using timeshare sales tactics to get you to sign up.
But you don’t have to take my word for it… (yea, that’s an RR reference just for you).
We believe it is the most consistent, reliable, and fair way to engage support staff in the industry, while offering a very personal and easy interface for all who use it.
I have been working with the CrewDriver software for nearly a year now, and have found it to be a valuable tool in my need for booking crew on an ongoing basis.
It’s the best thing that’s happened to me since I started working here. It makes zero sense to dial, dial, dial, dial, all day long for a 2 second “yes or no”, when it can all be automated for you.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you can always rewind time by flying around the Earth opposite it's rotation for a whole minute, try it out yourself.
We use delivery-based pricing. If it doesn’t confirm someone for a shift, there’s no fee. That’s how confident we are that it works.
Our pricing starts at $3.25/confirmation, and there’s a small monthly minimum. The bigger the commitment you make the better deal you get BUT there’s no pressure to make that commitment. Make sure that it works for you and that it delivers good value. You decide to upgrade your plan when you’re ready.
And now, the SMALL MEDIUM LARGE menu you were hunting for...
We know that your volume changes wildly throughout the year, that's why we only bill you when someone is confirmed for the shift by the system. Everything else is included.
We always recommend starting at the pay-as-you-go tier, and then when you're ready to commit we'll reward you based on the level of commitment with bonus credit, giving you better value for your dollar.
Ark B Economy Class
$3.25 per confirmation
0 confirmations
$89 setup fee
$35 monthly minimum
Babel Fish
$3.05 per confirmation
163 confirmations
$89 setup fee
$35 monthly Minimum
Vogon Constructor Fleet
$2.50 per confirmation
500 confirmations
$49 setup fee
$50 monthly Minimum
Mutant Star-goat
$2.00 per confirmation
4900 confirmations
$0 setup fee
$500 Monthly Minimum
I dare you to find a better model. Go ahead, I’ll wait here. I’ll bet your mind is completely blown. Imagine paying for a hotel room based on how restful it was?
No? Well, I also respect being tired and jaded. The important part is that it matches how much you use it, and we only count when a crew member is confirmed for a shift. All the intermediate transactions, messages and everything else are included.
The cost to you when it's quiet (like January for most) is nominal, the cost when it's wild busy (like May and October) matches the value you're getting from the software.
Might want to just try it out yourself.
As well, new accounts include a deep stack of confirmations to try it out with, and every tier includes a 100%, 90-day money back guarantee.
Just so that's clear: If you use us for 3 months, and you're not happy, we'll refund 100% of what you've spent with us. That includes the minimums and the setup fee with no conditions.
We want to respect that you might be a little gun shy, so we want it to be just as easy for you to fire us as is it is to sign up.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you're the type of person who's go their act together well enough to never leave the house without a towel, try it out yourself.
We’re not here to lock you into a contract, and you can start trying it out today. When you’re ready to commit, we’ll give you a better rate on usage, but when that starts is up to you.
I’m asking you to trust me, I know how people can be a jerks if you pick the wrong thing (or even jerks if you pick the right thing) so it’s got to be easy to cover your tracks. So, if you’re the type who gets in trouble in shopping with your heart...
As well, our features are backed by a team of experts who are dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance to help event suppliers get the most out of our product and maximize the success of their events.
Now you might want to set up a tour or just try it out yourself.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you're one of those people who can design a flux capacitor after hitting your head on the sink after slipping while standing on your toilet to hang a clock, try it out yourself.
There’s lots of solutions that deal with those problems, and they’re not us. We’re call-out management. That’s what we do and we do it better than anyone else.
Where do we fit? You’ll want to use us alongside the systems you have to solve those problems. However, if you’re still chasing that dragon, you’re probably not quite ready for us. I'm hesitant to suggest this, but go try out the “all-in-one” systems.
You may find yourself discovering the call-out functionality they overpromised you, is you Wizard of Oz-ing it in your tightie-whities backstage at 3am instead of supervising a loading out.
If that happens and the disappointment is crushing you into a tiny, sad, sad diamond give us a shout and we'll give you a hug.
(Actually, first you probably have to cancel your contract and eat the $1000 non-refundable deposit first. After the rage passes, maybe give us a shout then... but you can still have the hug whenever you want.)
(…also any day now I will be recalled to the shire to help Mr. Frodo and that incredibly handsome Thorin Oakensheild take the ring to Mount Doom)
First, I have no idea why you’re still reading this when you could easily just Book a demo call. So, kudos. Secondly, it’s good to believe things. For example, I believe in unicorns that soft-serve rainbow ice cream from their butts because I saw it on the TV once. Squatty Potty, represent.
If most of your days are just you and a set of speakers on sticks in a van, that day where you need a specialized call-out management system probably isn’t today. If that's not you and you're ready to solving your call-out problems you might want to set up a tour or just try it out yourself … but enough about you.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you're enough of a nerd to notice I swapped out Aragorn for Thorin, try it out yourself.
We fix the unique problems you have that go along with a heavy reliance on an on-call/casual workforce, which means you can...
Our features are designed with hands-free automation in mind, reducing the need for manual intervention and allowing event suppliers to focus on delivering the best possible event experience for their clients. We offer a wide range of features that help automate the communication and scheduling process, allowing event suppliers to manage their workforce more efficiently and effectively.
These include:
CrewDriver lets you work with your crew lists and the needs you have to fill in the shifts you have upcoming, and create the best possible plan based on all the information you have at any given moment.
As things change, CrewDriver gives you the ability to intervene, make changes and then fire up the automation all over again. You can also reset crew on confirmed shifts, send them information about changes in the call and have them reconfirm based on the changes.
We give you the advanced workflows and allow you to add as much nuance and flair as you need.
A few examples are:
We have a pile of settings allowing event suppliers to tailor our features to their specific needs and preferences.
Sound like you? Schedule a demo call, or seeing as you figured out that the last chevron was to identify the origin point (it's the bottomless triangle with the little circle over it), try it out yourself.
We initially expected some reaction of “change is bad”, but very quickly the crew relaxed and accepted this as a better way of booking. This is a significant feat, considering we are dealing with hundreds of people.
The ability to allocate specific skill sets to each position reduces our workload in determining which crew members are most appropriate for which projects.
You had told me your application would save me time, allowing me to focus my efforts on face-to-face contact, and developing my team. You were so right.